Combo Blog … like a combo meal … but its a blog

First of all student teaching stepped up to the next level.  I am now teaching five periods a day and using my own lesson plans.  I love it.  Teaching has definitely introduced me to a whole new level of tired though.  Five periods of lecture and you are ready to crawl into a fetal position for 2.7 days.  The best way to understand it is to think of it as a performance (for my sake/reputation please picture an athletic performance).    An interactive one, but a performance none the less.  Each period goes differently and has totaly different personalities.  By the end of the day I am the tiredest and it is the hardest to speak clearly but by that time I know how to explain things the best and have developed the best explanations so there is a give and take. The best part of the day is the middle (5th and 6th period) One thing is for sure teaching is never, ever, ever, ever dull.

 Second. You know who is a genius … the guy who brought sticker technology to the stamp industry.  A sticker that I don’t have lick is  879 times better then one that I have to lick because it helps me avoid the long lasting aftertaste of glue (thank you Barbro). 

 This lame combo meal/blog only has two items … think of it as a budget combo blog.

3 Responses to “Combo Blog … like a combo meal … but its a blog”

  1. 1 Meisha February 16, 2007 at 7:05 am

    I think my favorite part of your whole blog, besides the dry humor, is the totally random numbers…2.7 days? 879 times? Who says that? :)

  2. 2 stepontoliquid February 17, 2007 at 5:51 pm


    Another legit post. It’s good to hear that you’re loving teaching. Keep up the blogging and the stat-keeping. By the way, what’s with the Chargers firing Marty?

  3. 3 Happy March 13, 2007 at 12:14 am

    More! We need more updates Travis! Didn’t someone special just come out from the state of William Penn?

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